March 16, 2012

Tom Location Techniques

For Tom we used a tripod for our landscape shots so that the images didn't move and we could bracket and overlay them. We also had a go at HDR, which we also used with bracketing. 

We worked on composition, recapping the rule of thirds as well as adding a focal point to make your image look more 3D. We also created depth in an image by layering images and getting the best parts of image. 

We used metering as well. We used spot metering for contrasting and to decrease cloudiness. 

We learnt how to read the histograms and use them to correctly expose our images as well as using them for bracketing. Here is an example of a histogram. 

Here are the final pictures from my first shoot with Tom on Location Techniques. We used a tripod and the HDR and overlay settings on photoshop to do it. 

The first image was using the basic overlay technique, but i think although it looks good, its a bit boring. I prefer the HDR images as they look almost surreal.

On our second shoot we were at Kirkstall Abbey, and we worked with a tripod expanding on our landscape and architecture work. Working on getting 5 decent unedited photos of each. We worked on depth of field and using light to make interesting shots. We couldn't work on HDR or bracketing as the sky was 1 colour. 
Here are my 5 landscaping shots: 

And my 5 rawArchitecture shots:

And finally My contact sheets for both: 

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